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There are many cases in which a user would want to access the raw data from a test trial. Just like the rest of your data, you can access the same data used to create the force plot in your app and cloud. With just a couple of lines of code, you can call in the force-time data from any test in your system.

1. Get Access

Like always, the first step to getting your data is initializing your session. Simply load the hawkinR package and run the get_access function.

# load the hawkinR package

# initialize your current session
get_access(refreshToken = 'your_integration_key', region = 'your_region')

2. Get Tests

For this example, I am going to call for only my tests. To do this I am going to need to get my unique ID first. So that I can include that in the get_tests_ath function.

# create a data frame of my athlete info 
roster <- get_athletes()

# My Athlete ID
myID <- roster$id[roster$name == "Lauren Green"]

# call your tests
myTests <- get_tests_ath(athleteId = myID)
id segment testType.canonicalId
9Ytz9g1erMXm3SByTyEd Countermovement Jump:1 7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s Lauren Green
G1yfTWvTj3hAveQYz5wH Weigh In:1 ubeWMPN1lJFbuQbAM97s Lauren Green
YB35oOBAGHNQew0WziDt Drop Landing:1 rKgI4y3ItTAzUekTUpvR Lauren Green
2RnV4tM3J6IW2qYKgqg2 Drop Landing:2 rKgI4y3ItTAzUekTUpvR Lauren Green
qNIZaBguZefAyar4oUtu Drop Jump:1 gyBETpRXpdr63Ab2E0V8 Lauren Green

3. Get Test ID

Now that I have a list of the tests I want to evaluate, I can call for the force-time data I want by using the tests unique ID.

Every test has it’s own unique identifier. This is all that’s needed to get your test data. The test Id is found in the first column of any of the get_tests function returns.

In this example, I am calling the first test of my data frame, which is a CMJ trial.

# Get the ID of the test
myTestID <- myTests$id[1]

# Get the force-time data
myFT <- get_forcetime(testId = myTestID)
time_s force_right force_left force_combined velocity_m_s displacement_m power_w
0.001 622 564 1186 0 0 0
0.002 622 564 1186 0 0 0
0.003 622 564 1186 0 0 0
0.004 623 564 1187 0 0 0
0.005 622 564 1186 0 0 0
0.006 622 565 1187 0 0 0
0.007 623 566 1189 0 0 0
0.008 622 566 1188 0 0 0
0.009 621 566 1187 0 0 0
0.010 620 566 1186 0 0 0
0.011 620 567 1187 0 0 0
0.012 619 567 1186 0 0 0
0.013 619 568 1187 0 0 0
0.014 619 568 1187 0 0 0
0.015 618 568 1186 0 0 0
0.016 618 568 1186 0 0 0
0.017 619 568 1187 0 0 0
0.018 620 568 1188 0 0 0
0.019 620 569 1189 0 0 0
0.020 620 568 1188 0 0 0

And just like that we have our force-time data. You can do this to with any of your test types.