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Get the force-time data for a specific test by id. This includes both left, right and combined force data at 1000hz (per millisecond). Calculated velocity, displacement, and power at each time interval will also be included.





Give the unique test id of the trial you want to be called.


Response will be a data frame containing the following:

Column NameTypeDescription
time_sintElapsed time in seconds, starting from end of identified quiet phase
force_rightintForce recorded from the RIGHT platform coinciding with time point from time_s, measured in Newtons (N)
force_LeftintForce recorded from the LEFT platform coinciding with time point from time_s, measured in Newtons (N)
force_combinedintSum of forces from LEFT and RIGHT, coinciding with time point from time_s, measured in Newtons (N)
velocity_m.sintCalculated velocity of center of mass at time interval, measured in meters per second (m/s)
displacement_mintCalculated displacement of center of mass at time interval, measured in meters (m)
power_wintCalculated power of mass at time interval, measured in watts (W)


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# This is an example of how the function would be called.

df_ft <- get_forcetime(testId = `stringId`)

} # }