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Update an athlete or athletes for an account. Bulk update up to 500 athletes at a time.





Provide a data frame of the athlete or athletes to be updated.


If successful, a confirmation message will be printed with the number of successful athletes created. If there are failures, a data frame containing the athletes that failed to be created will be returned with columns:

Column NameTypeDescription
reasonchrReason for failed creation
namechrAthlete's given name (First Last)


The data frame passed as the argument must use the following schema:

Column NameTypeInclusionDescription
idchrREQUIREDathlete's Hawkin Dynamics unique ID
namechroptionalathlete's given name (First Last)
imagechroptionalURL path to image. default = null
activelogioptionalathlete is active (TRUE). default = null
teamslistoptionala single team id as a string or list of team ids. default = [defaultTeamId]
groupslistoptionala single group id as a string or list of group ids. default = []
external propertychroptionalExternal properties can be added by adding any additional columns of equal length. The name of the column will become the external property name, and the row value will become the external property value. Use "lowercase" or "snake_case" styles for column names.

If optional fields are not present in an update request, those properties will be left unchanged. However, when updating external properties, custom properties that are not present will be removed.
