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Example Usage

Log Configuration

Run at the beginning of script/session to set desired logging settings

Log File for Debugging
from hdforce import LoggerConfig

# Configure to set up a log file for thorough debugging
LoggerConfig.Configuration(file = TRUE, level = 'debug')


Initial Set Up

First use in a new environment. Storing refresh token and region.

New Environment Configuration
from hdforce import AuthManager

    region = "Americas", 
    authMethod = "env", 
    refreshToken_name = "HD_REFRESH_TOKEN", 
    refreshToken = "YourRefreshTokenHere"

Initial Set Up with File

First use in a new environment and using the "file" method. The .env file should be created before authenticating, and can already include variables and values.

'.env' file in root folder

If you want to update the file variables

New Variables
from hdforce import AuthManager

    region = "Europe", 
    authMethod = "file", 
    refreshToken_name = "HD_REFRESH_TOKEN", 
    refreshToken = "YourRefreshTokenHere",
    env_file_name = ".env"

Create Useful Variables

Get HD and Org Data
import hdforce as hd

# Get Test types and IDs
types = hd.GetTypes()

# Get all athletes (including inactive)
players = hd.GetAthletes( inactive = True )

# Get Teams, Groups, Tags for filtering tests
teams = hd.GetTeams()
groups = hd.GetGroups()
tags = hd.GetTags()

Get Test Data

Get Tests

Get Tests of all types, athletes, teams, and groups
from hdforce import GetTests

# Set from and to time points
time1 = 1690859091
time2 = 1711392994

# get all tests in system (not recommended)
allTests = GetTests()

# get test from a time
fromTests = GetTests(from_ = time2)

# get test up to a time
fromTests = GetTests(to_ = time1)

# get test from between time points
fromTests = GetTests(from_ = time1, to_ = time2)

# Sync tests since last sync (only new or updated tests)
lastSync = allTests.attrs["Last Sync"] # find last sync value in returned DataFrame attributes
newTests = GetTests(from_ = lastSync , sync = True)

Get Tests by Athlete

Get Tests of specific types, athletes, teams, and groups
from hdforce import GetTestsAth, GetTestsType, GetTestsGroup, GetTestsTeam

# Set from and to time points
time1 = 1690859091
time2 = 1711392994

# get all tests for athlete
me =[players["name"] == "Lauren Green"] # Get my athlete info from players variable

myId = me.iloc[0] # Get my id

myTests = GetTestsAth(athleteId = myId) # Get my tests

Get Tests by Type

Sync CMJ Tests Since Time2
# get CMJ tests since time2
updateCMJ = GetTestsType(typeId = 'Countermovement Jump', from_ = time2, sync = True)

Get Group Test Up to time 1

Group1 Tests up to Time1
theGroup =[groups["name"] == "group1"]
groupTests = GetTestsGroup(groupId = theGroup, to_ = time1)

Get Team Test from time2

Teams 1,2,3 from time 2
# Specify the team names you want to find indices for
team_names = ['Team 1', 'Team 3', 'Team 6']

# Get indices for the specified team names
indices = teams[teams['name'].isin(team_names)].index.tolist()

# Select the team IDs using iloc
teamIds = teams.iloc[indices]['id']

teamTests = GetTestsTeam(teamId = teamIds, from_ = time2)

Get Force-Time Data

My First Test Force-Time Data
from hdforce import GetTestsAth, GetForceTime

# Get my athlete info from players variable
me =[players["name"] == "Lauren Green"]

# Get my id
myId = me.iloc[0]

# Get my tests
myTests = GetTestsAth(athleteId = myId)

# Get test trial id of first test
someTest = myTests.iloc[0]

# Get force time data
ftData = GetForceTime(testId = someTest)