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GetTestsType(typeId: str, from_: int = None, to_: int = None, sync: bool = False, includeInactive: bool = False)

As of July 10, 2024 GetTestsTeam has been deprecated for the preferred use of GetTests. This function will be fully superseded Jan 01, 2025 12:00:00.


Get test trials only from a specific type of test. Allows filtering of results based on time frames, synchronization needs, and the active status of tests.

The typeId has been created to be more user friendly, as it accepts any of canonical Id, test type name, or common abbreviation:

id name abbreviation
7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s Countermovement Jump CMJ
QEG7m7DhYsD6BrcQ8pic Squat Jump SJ
2uS5XD5kXmWgIZ5HhQ3A Isometric Test ISO
gyBETpRXpdr63Ab2E0V8 Drop Jump DJ
5pRSUQVSJVnxijpPMck3 Free Run FREE
pqgf2TPUOQOQs6r0HQWb CMJ Rebound CMJR
r4fhrkPdYlLxYQxEeM78 Multi Rebound MR
ubeWMPN1lJFbuQbAM97s Weigh In WI
rKgI4y3ItTAzUekTUpvR Drop Landing DL
umnEZPgi6zaxuw0KhUpM TS Isometric Test TSISO


typeId: (str) The canonical test ID, test type name, or test name abbreviation. Must correspond to known test types.

from_: (int) Unix timestamp specifying the start time from which tests should be fetched. Default is None, which fetches tests from the beginning.

to_: (int) Unix timestamp specifying the end time until which tests should be fetched. Default is None, which fetches tests up to the current time.

sync: (bool) If True, the function fetches updated and newly created tests to synchronize with the database. Default is False.

includeInactive: (bool) If True, only active tests are fetched. If False, all tests including inactive ones are fetched. Default is True.


A Pandas DataFrame containing details of the test trial, with columns:

  • id: Unique test id
  • timestamp: Unix timestamp of the the recording time of the trial.
  • athlete_data: Columns of athlete data. Same as DataFrame returned from GetAthletes(.id, .name, .teams, .groups, .active,
  • testType_data: Columns of test type data(.id, .name, .canonicalId, .groups, .active,
  • tags_data: Columns of test tags data(.id, .name). Each is a list of any applicable values.
  • all test metrics: Calculated center of mass displacement from starting height at each time point.

DataFrame is also returned with specific attributes:

  • Canonical Id
  • Test Type Name
  • Count
  • Last Sync
  • Last Test Time



  • No Access Token Found.
  • If the HTTP response status is not 200, indicating an unsuccessful API request, or if there is a failure in parsing the JSON response.

Value Error

  • If there is an error in handling the JSON response or data formatting.


Get Test Type Specific Test Data
from hdforce import GetTestsType

# Get CMJ test data
Data = GetTestsType(typeId = "CMJ", from_ = 1690859091, to_ = 1711392994)

# Print DataFrame Attributes
print(f"Canonical Id: {Data.attrs["Canonical Id"]}")
print(f"Test Type Name: {Data.attrs["Test Type Name"]}")
print(f"Count: {Data.attrs["Count"]}")
print(f"Last Sync:{Data.attrs["Last Sync"]}")
print(f"Last Test Time: {Data.attrs["Last Test Time"]}")

# Print rows 0:3
print(Data.iloc[:3, :20]) # All columns not printed
Print Outputs
Canonical Id:7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s
Test Type Name: Countermovement Jump
Count: 58
Last Sync: 1711392834
Last Test Time: 1711392822

DataFrame output

id timestamp athlete_id athlete_name athlete_teams athlete_groups athlete_active external_GradYear external_location external_uniqueId external_StudentID external_DPMb6ek2mgUNVcg8siSqpnIvE2i2 testType_id testType_name testType_canonicalId tag_ids tag_names segment Right Avg_ Propulsive Force(N) Relative Propulsive Net Impulse(N_s/kg)
5BgdD9160h7cC5Bc6Jj4 1698115161 OLbsebtmf81eiwg1AeE5 Lauren Green ['DPMb6ek2mgUNVcg8siSqpnIvE2i2', 'vW9iEKafhs2PamfKSdGC'] ['yh8RnOvg56dQNrZGBKWZ'] True 2004 Whittier 83keo9wjei939ekd9 SA0042643 nan 96baa7ef1443c7a219702eb22e3e68d3 Countermovement Jump 7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s [] [] Countermovement Jump:2 1164.0342 2.8705
SXxI8eNgN2qha7aAQ6tJ 1698115180 OLbsebtmf81eiwg1AeE5 Lauren Green ['DPMb6ek2mgUNVcg8siSqpnIvE2i2', 'vW9iEKafhs2PamfKSdGC'] ['yh8RnOvg56dQNrZGBKWZ'] True 2004 Whittier 83keo9wjei939ekd9 SA0042643 nan 96baa7ef1443c7a219702eb22e3e68d3 Countermovement Jump 7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s [] [] Countermovement Jump:3 1118.2702 2.8758
AFv5YgN7yQimpZHSOQJE 1698115201 OLbsebtmf81eiwg1AeE5 Lauren Green ['DPMb6ek2mgUNVcg8siSqpnIvE2i2', 'vW9iEKafhs2PamfKSdGC'] ['yh8RnOvg56dQNrZGBKWZ'] True 2004 Whittier 83keo9wjei939ekd9 SA0042643 nan 96baa7ef1443c7a219702eb22e3e68d3 Countermovement Jump 7nNduHeM5zETPjHxvm7s [] [] Countermovement Jump:4 1148.602 2.9366