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GetForceTime(testId: str)


Get force-time data for an individual test trial from an account.


testId: (str) The unique ID given to each test trial.


A Pandas DataFrame containing details of the test trial, with columns:

  • Time (s): Time elapsed in seconds.
  • LeftForce (N): Force at time point from left plate.
  • RightForce (N): Force at time point from right plate.
  • CombinedForce (N): Combined force (Left + Right) at each time point.
  • Velocity (m/s): Calculated center of mass velocity at each time point.
  • Displacement (m): Calculated center of mass displacement from starting height at each time point.
  • Power (W): Calculated power of mass at each time point.
  • RSI: Calculated Reactive Strength Index (if applicable).



  • No Access Token Found.
  • If the HTTP response status is not 200, indicating an unsuccessful API request, or if there is a failure in parsing the JSON response.

Value Error

  • If the 'testId' parameter is not a string.


Get Tests Force-Time Data
from hdforce import GetForceTime

# Get force time data
ftData = GetForceTime(testId = someTest)
# Print rows 2000:2005


Index Time(s) LeftForce(N) RightForce(N) CombinedForce(N) Velocity(m/s) Displacement(m) Power(W) rsi
2000 2.001 42 119 161 -1.119636 -0.077419 -180.261446 []
2001 2.002 46 122 168 -1.128090 -0.078543 -189.519185 []
2002 2.003 49 126 175 -1.136487 -0.079675 -198.885184 []
2003 2.004 53 130 183 -1.144821 -0.080816 -209.502302 []
2004 2.005 56 135 191 -1.153090 -0.081965 -220.240178 []