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AuthManager(region: str = "Americas", authMethod: str = "env", refreshToken_name: str = "HD_REFRESH_TOKEN", refreshToken: str = None, env_file_name: str = None)


Choose the authentication method and settings for your project environment. If you want to store or replace your refresh token, simply pass it in the refreshToken argument (unless authMethod set to "manual").


region: (str) The region that designates the url prefix. Defaults to "Americas". Other options include "Americas", "Europe", and "Asia/Pacific".

authMethod: (str) Determine method of storing authentication variables, including refresh token. One of 'env', 'file', 'manual'. To store variables in your local system environment, use "env". To store variables in a .env file, use "file". To authenticate without storing your refresh token and region, use "manual".

refreshToken_name: (str) Name of refresh token variable saved in system environment or .env file. Template .env file shows this as "HD_REFRESH_TOKEN".

refreshToken: (str) If used with authMethod = "manual", token will be used to authenticate without being stored. Else, token will be store/set as the new refresh token value with method selected.

env_file_name: (str) Required with authMethod = "file". Provide the file path (relative to the root of the project) and name for variable storage. Just like the example below, the template file can be simply be saved as ".env". But the file can be given any name, followed by ".env".


Value Error

  • If authMethod not one of env, file, or method.
  • If authMethod = 'file' and no file name provided
  • If authMethod = 'manual' and no refreshToken provided


``` Python title="Default Authentication Using Environment Variables from hdforce import AuthManager

AuthManager() ```